Background On Rebreathers
Think rebreathers are just for technical diving? Think again because the latest rebreathers are lightweight, easy-transport units that use sophisticated electronics to simplify their use. Rebreathers allow longer no decompression limits, reduced gas consumption and unmatched wildlife encounters.
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What is a rebreather?
The primary difference between rebreathers and open-circuit units is that rebreathers reuse some or all of the gas you exhale. There are two basic types of rebreathers: closed-circuit rebreathers (CCRs) and semi-closed rebreathers (SCRs).
The PADI Rebreather and Advanced Rebreather Diver courses use Type R units to introduce divers to rebreather diving within recreational dive limits. Type R rebreathers are electronically controlled and provide a back up for all the major systems and simplify training and use.
The rebreather used in this class is the AP Diving Evolution Closed Circuit Rebreather. AP Diving created a Type R Rebreather from the most widely used CCR unit in the World the Evolution Type T Rebreather.
Because each rebreather model is different, you will need to qualify on each rebreather model. However, once you are qualified you will not need to repeat the entire course to earn your certification with a different Type R rebreather model. The PADI Rebreather Qualifier focuses on the knowledge and skills needed to use a different Type R rebreather model.
Technical diving has been revolutionized by the development, availability and reliability of Closed Circuit Rebreathers. CCRs provide numerous benefits to the technical diver, including: reduced gas consumption, optimum EANx blends for decompression and a wider range of solutions to equipment problems. Consequently CCRs potentially allow the technical diver a greater access to time underwater - greater time based on gas logistics when compared with an open circuit technical diver and more time available to find solutions to gas management problems. As time is a critical and a finite resource divers wanting to dive at and beyond the recreational envelope can now choose PADI Technical CCR training to achieve their goals.